I was born in the desert to a nomadic family, in Matarat, at the heart of the Tassili N’Ajjer mountains, at the beginning of the spring rainy season. In my youth, I tended to sheep and camels with my grandparents. In my nomadic life, nothing in the world was more captivating than a caravan winding through the sands, or more moving than the poetry of a nomadic camp at nightfall when fires lit up and herds returned. This sacred hour when dunes and sky merged their colors ignited by the setting sun. It was also the most beautiful to fall asleep every night under a protective sky, a sky sprinkled with millions of stars that illuminated my dreams.
My first steps began in my childhood in the Kabyle mountains in Algeria.
During my education in Paris, I already showed a strong interest in geography and other cultures. Subsequently, my commercial training in tourism and project management allowed me to refine my vocation. With an intense sporting practice from a young age, all the ingredients were there for me to embark on a life of solidarity walking.