Oasis Ihrir Tour - 8 Days

Close your eyes and imagine ...


Kind of Tour : 4×4 and Walking Expedition

This circuit is offered in the form of a hiking adventure involving daily walks. It can also be experienced as a camel trek (riding on camels).

Level : Moderate Level (5 to 6 hours of walking per day)

Close your eyes and imagine …

Iherir, situated in the breathtaking world of stone forests, stunning gorges, and labyrinthine canyons north of Tassili Adjer, is 200 kilometers away from Djanet. Oasis Iherir is home to a collection of houses nestled at the bottom of a canyon, 1100-1400 meters above sea level. The Tassili Adjer valley in Iherir is a UNESCO World Heritage site (1982) and a Man and the Biosphere reserve (1986). Recognized as a wetland of global importance under the Ramsar Convention (2001), it is a realm of extraordinary landscapes, rich vegetation, and varied fauna, some of which are endemic. Permanent wadis in this region are the last refuge for fish in the Sahara. It’s also a hub of proto-Berber rock art. This plateau region provides coolness in summer and ensures moderate temperature differences in winter. Near Iherir and green gueltas, one can discover a village, now abandoned, which was, for years, the summer village of the inhabitants of Iherir.

A few families come to harvest dates in these places, but they don’t live there. Iherir is a marvel for the Tuareg themselves, for curious hikers, and scientists from all backgrounds, including geologists, naturalists, and prehistorians.

Program :

Day 01 : Arrival at the airport, welcomed by our Tuareg team. Transfer by 4×4 to your bivouac in Tirarrart.

Day 02 : The journey begins to the north of Djanet; departure in a 4×4 to Tikoubaouene. Lunch, visit the paintings of the arches, and the Stone Forest. Afternoon visit gueltas Tawiya; arrival at the bivouac Essendilene.

Day 03 : Visit gueltas and canyons Essendilene, the rise of akba Tin Tahradjeli, reaching the plateau. Then continue to the site of Tin Teghert, the famous camp with rock carvings.

Day 04 : We take the direction of the oasis Iherir down to Ihrir, visit the Oasis and gueltas, bivouac Ihrir.

Day 05 : Back to the Erg Admer and bivouac awjidit to see the beautiful sunset.

Day 06: A magical sunrise reminds us that we are at the heart of Tassili, one of the great outdoor museums, and a UNESCO World Heritage site. We cross part of the Ténéré, lunch at Tilalène paintings, bivouac visit Jarf Amoud.

Day 07: Crossing the erg Admer; lunch next to the etching of the « Weeping Cow. » Arrival in Djanet in the afternoon, city tour and dinner under the palm trees, then transfer to the airport for departure.