Association Plus d'oxygène

In collaboration with Plus d'Oxygène, traversing the trails of the world.

After exploring numerous regions across the globe, I wanted to share this passion for adventure while giving it a purpose. It’s not just about walking, but also about international solidarity for a better world.

About Plus d’Oxygène Association:

Dedicated to making a meaningful impact, Plus d’Oxygène Association was founded in 2007 by Laïd Biou. Originating with a trek in the Tassili du Hoggar and a solidarity initiative supporting the local Tuareg community, our journey has since expanded across various regions, including the High Atlas.

Our projects encompass education support, eco-friendly lodging, beekeeping initiatives, warm clothing distribution, orphan sponsorship, Parisian region hikes, and walks with the silent autists of ‘Le Silence des Justes.’ 

Join us on our ongoing adventure as we strive to create positive change locally and globally. Connect with us on Facebook for the latest updates, events, and a community passionate about making a difference. Together, let’s breathe life into meaningful initiatives with Plus d’Oxygène.

They talk about us ...