Testimonial From Nicole in algerian desert

Nicole’s Testimonial for her trip during december 2023

Nicole’s testimonial, the eldest member of our group at 72 years old, and Lina, my 10-year-old daughter, encapsulate the impact of our intergenerational journey that will leave lasting impressions. Nicole, who has traveled the world, experienced profound emotions, and her words reflect the depth of her feelings.
I extend my gratitude to Laïd and Moussa, as well as the entire Touareg team, from our arrival at the airport in the morning until the evening. The extensive preparation that preceded the trip allowed us to live an truly extraordinary experience from every perspective.
A huge thank you to all the families, including 2 teenagers with autism, Adam and Ismaïl, and their siblings. People and young individuals from different cultural backgrounds embraced me wholeheartedly with compassion.
Amidst breathtaking landscapes, a brief yet intense journey unfolded in a spirit of solidarity, never losing sight of the essence of this trip: support for children with autism. I felt deep admiration for the personal commitment of parents to their children.
Solidarity was extended to the local community through clothing and outdoor games provided to the semi-nomadic camp in Essendilene. Support included educational games and teaching materials for the Specialized Center for Children with Disabilities in Djanet. Palm trees planted by the children, backpacks destined for young girls in Niger…
An unforgettable experience etched into memory forever, with the utmost motivation to relive these moments in a new edition.
